Osaka Travel guide

Osaka Bob Family

Tamatsukuri Inari Jinja Shrine(玉造稲荷神社)


Located in the Tamatsukuri neighborhood, this is an Inari Shrine dedicated to the Shinto deity of the same name, who is associated with foxes, rice, well-being, and prosperity. The shrine buildings are a striking vermillion color that stands out in photographs. The votive plaques (ema) sold here are heart-shaped, formed by two foxes nuzzling. The shrine is known for bringing good luck in matters of love.

Points of interest

  • Cute fox votive plaques
  • Good luck in matters of love
  • Shrine for the Shinto deity Inari


2-3-8 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka


5 min. walk from Tamatsukuri Station or 6 min. walk from Morinomiya Station on the Osaka Metro Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line, 8 min. walk from JR Morinomiya Station, 9 min. walk from JR Tamatsukuri Station

Phone number


Price・Average Cost

Free admission to shrine grounds

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Osaka Bob FAMILY Yuka

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